the link below may or may not direct you to an editing page known as Jane Eyre on instagram. i suggest you click it and Drop a follow.


hello i am mila 🤗 here r some things about me
scorpio ☉, ☽, + asc
enfj, she/her, minor
disc meelur#4791
i <3 bananation!!
there are a number of factors to take into consideration before embarking on the (semi-brief) journey that is the list of books i have read and thouroughly enjoy:
1: despite the name being books i’ve read this year i’m including those i’ve read in the near past because if i truly lived up to the name i’d have to clear the list in like a week from making this so I DON’T CARE!!!
2: these are all unabridged classics
3: i’m not currently in the middle of another book as of now (12/18/2021) however i’m going to borrow a new one as soon as i can and feel up to it
4: no i have not read 4 books in my lifetime i Hate you a little bit i think
Jane Eyre

oh my goodness i loved this book
this was the most recent one i’ve finished and despite its length i loved every word of it the imagery was so good and events are told in such a way thats justRAAAAAaaaau
many twitter threads were made as i read this
Pride and Prejudice

fun silly little story but i read the 2005 film adaptation of this and did not understand a thing and read the actual book a year later and quite literally squealed in the midst of going through it (jana can confirm) so yurr it was really nice and rewatching the aforementioned film adaptation was all the more gratifying after actually knowing what happened in the story
The Three Musketeers
(aye aye)

i read this last year and omg this book holds my literal soul and jana may also play a little part in this but oh my godDDD i dont even know what to say about it its the longest book ive read and comprehended and its made me love adventure books so much aaaa i read this for a book report type thing for school and oh my god i’m so glad i could brag that i fucking read this to my class i got an a+ on that assignment there’s so much about this book that i won’t put on here but Oh mym
Around the World in 80 Days